The Victims / by Guest User

February 2526, 2017

Written by Ken Kaissar
Directed by Michael Malek Najjar

Featuring: Kaiser Ahmed, Adrianne Cury, Adelina Feldman-Schultz, Kroydell Galima, Sami Ismat, Adam Poss, Brian Sheridan, Rachel Silvert, Kaelan Strouse, and Alex Weisman

Jadi and Bassee live peacefully in an idyllic garden, except that the garden’s alleged owner comes to beat them every day. Jewish American writer David travels to Israel to better understand the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and is soon mired in the cycles of violence and compassion that haunt everyday life. The Victims weaves together disparate styles and stories to dig into the parallel and often contradictory narratives of Palestinian and Israeli histories.

Performed as part of Semitic Commonwealth